East Asia or Northeast Asia covers approximately 11,640,000 square kilometers or 20% of the continent’s land. This is Asia’s largest region and most populated area. China is the largest country with 9,671,018 square kilometers of land. With the population of over 1,500 million inhabitants or about 40% of the total Asian people or one-forth of the global population, it is one of the world’s most populated regions at 230 inhabitants per square kilometers, 5 times higher than the global population density rate. China has the highest population with 1,393 million people (2018) or 85% of the whole region’s population while Taiwan has the highest population density at 626.7 inhabitants per square kilometer.
In addition, the region is the most prosperous in Asia as the only region with advanced industries especially in Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan. Mongolia and North Korea are less developed in terms of industrial activities. The region’s major industrial cities are namely Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Seoul, Pusan, Beijing, Taipei, Shanghai, Inchoen, Tianjin and Hong Kong.
Brief Information of East Asia
Asian Regions for the Development Plan
North Asia
Central Asia
East Asia
Southeast Asia
South Asia
Southwest Asia
Master plan
Agro Industry Town
Agriculturist Community
Agricultural Products Distribution Organization
Zero-waste Institution
Industry Town Environment Management Center
Industry And Agriculture Town
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