The Master Plan Development Programs
Thailand Development Project Master Plan To be a?business model for ASIA development According to the guidelines of New Era Sky United Empire Company Limited (NSUE),
it consists of 3 main frameworks as follows:
1. Sufficiency Economy and Food Management
2. Agricultural Infrastructure Management
3. Social Management
The detailed management of each framework is as follows:
Sufficiency Economy and Food Management
1. Agro Industry Town
2. Lab Center
3. Super SCADA Center
4. Plant Tissue Culture Center
5. Plant Research and Development Center
6. Animal Research and Development Center
7. Plant Fertiliser Center
8. Animal Feed Center
9. Plant Production under Controlled Environment Center
10. Animal Production under Controlled Environment Center
11. Agriculturist Learning Center
12. Agricultural Development School by Following the Father’s Footsteps
13. Agricultural Land Development Center
14. Marketing Center
15. Logistics Center
16. Agricultural Residues and Zero-waste Management Center
17. Agro Industry Town Environment Management Center
18. Other Management of Sufficiency Economy and Food Management
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Agricultural Infrastructure Management
1. Transportation
2. Irrigation and Agricultural Water Management
3. Energy for Community and Agriculture
4. Community Running Water
5. Future Infrastructure
6. Project Site Management
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Social Management
1. Education
2. Religion
3. Culture
4. Youth Development
5. Additional Occupation Development
6. Finance and Banking
7. Research and Development
8. Innovations and Technology
9. Public Health
10. Natural Agriculture Tourism and Sports
11. Other Social Management
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Sufficiency Economy and Food Management
- “Sufficiency Economy” is the philosophy provided by the late King Rama 9 as guidelines for Thai people to lead their happy lives for more than 25 years, even before the economic crisis in Thailand.
Agricultural Infrastructure Management
- Transportations
- Irrigation and Agricultural Water Management
- Energy
- Community Running Water
- Future Infrastructure
- Project Site Preparation
Social Management
- Education
- Religion
- Cultures
- Youth Development
- Additional Occupation Development
- Finance and Banking
- Research and Development
- Innovations and Technology
- Public Health
- Natural Agriculture Tourism and Sports
- Other Social Management
Master plan
Agro Industry Town
Agriculturist Community
Agricultural Products Distribution Organization
Zero-waste Institution
Industry Town Environment Management Center
Industry And Agriculture Town
If you want to know about NSUE
How are we committed to developing living conditions and the environment to live together in the city of the future?
New Era Sky United Empire Co., Ltd.
448 / 414 1 Floor, Prachautid Rd, Huaykwang, Huaykwang, Bangkok, Thailand.