To develop Thailand’s agricultural infrastructure
To provide the investment fund for the. development of Thailand
To create and increase the Thailand’s asset value
To upgrade the standard of life and livelihood of Thailand population
To create the stability on clean energy, promote the efficient use and conservation of natural resources and prepare for the effects caused by the global climate change
To reduce the inequality in every aspect, which makes the peaceful societies living in harmony. and with dignity
To develop Thailand to cope with the world’s New Era
To create economic and social security which concerns local wisdoms, career development, income generation and sustainable reduction of labour migration
To create the world’s kitchen that makes the. world’s food security
To promote, support, collaborate and. develop in every aspect with various organisation’s and working agencies
To promote, support, develop and transfer techno-logical know – how and innovations for the career development and income generation. This makes the Thailand region secure, prosperous and sustainable according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy.
See more Master plan of Thailand ?
Agro Industrial Estate Town
38 Cities in Thailand
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